Santa’s Workshop is on December 20

Santa’s Workshop is on Wednesday, December 20th. At this annual event PJ students are able to purchase a Christmas gift for each immediate family member. Gifts are $2 each, so remember to send your child to school with a toonie for each member of their household.

We’re are still looking for parents to set-up and help with the event. If you can spare a couple hours please sign up here.

If you have any questions, please email our Santa’s Workshop Lead.

Support our Fundraiser with Purdys Chocolates

It’s officially the holiday season, which means our annual Purdys Fundraiser is back. For every item purchased through PJ’s Purdys fundraising campaign PAC will receive a portion back in fundraising profit to help support the Grade 7 Graduation. Please support this holiday tradition by purchasing stocking stuffers and gifts for everyone from teachers and coaches, to colleagues and family… and don’t forget to treat yourself!

Fundraiser closes November 25. Orders will be available to pick up on December 12 from 8:30 to 9:30 and 2:30 to 3:30 in the gym.
For more details visit our Purdys Fundraiser page.