We need you to help out to make our school a success! With each parent taking on something during the school year the load is light for everyone, plus it creates a great sense of community that we can all appreciate at PJ.
PJPAC Executive
If you’d like to make a positive contribution to the PJ community please considering joining the PAC Executive for 2024-2025.
To learn more about PAC Executive roles and figure out what would make a good fit for your skills and interests please refer to our bylaws. To express your interest or learn more, email [email protected] or [email protected].
Lunar New Year
PJ will once again be celebrating Lunar New year. This year’s event takes place on January 29, and we need many parents to help. All are welcome! Please sign up here.
Jour Des Crêpes
PJ’s annual celebration of Québec culture is on February 7. This event requires the help from almost 100 parents with everything from making crepes and lending supplies, to helping at the event. Please select the link to sign-up in whatever capacity works best for you.
School Supplies Lead
Every spring we coordinate between PJ teachers and Creative Packs to provided updated school supplies lists and packages for students. Packages ordered by parents are then distributed to classrooms before the start of the new school year. The majority of the work is via email, so it is an ideal position for someone who works full-time. We need someone to take over this role this year, so if you are interested please contact [email protected].
Traffic Safety Blitz
If you want to help us spread the word on traffic safety at PJ, and you are available before school for 30min, please consider helping at one of our periodic traffic blitzes. Our next one is scheduled for April 7 to 11, so please mark your calendars as we rely on numerous volunteers to help. For more information contact [email protected].
Fun Lunch Distribution
We are looking for volunteers to help with Fun Lunch food distribution Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 12:15pm to 1:00pm. Without our amazing parent volunteers we would not be able to run this program. Please sign up here.
Popsicle Friday Helpers
We need 2 parents to help sell treats to PJ kids one day a month (typically the first Friday of the month), starting at 2:30 PM. Please sign up for a shift here.
We are also looking for a parent who can take over leading this event next school year. Please contact [email protected] if you’d like more information about the role, or you are interested in taking it on.
PJ Community Park
Throughout the year the PJ Park Committee holds cleanup events, and you are welcome to participate and help keep our grounds well-tended. Keep an eye on the ebulletin for upcoming dates. All are welcome!
There are many other ways to get involved with the PJ Park and you can start by joining the PJ Park Committee. Contact Laureline Balzan.
Learn more about the history of the PJ Community Park Project here.