
We need you to help out to make our school a success!  With each parent taking on something during the school year the load is light for everyone, plus it creates a great sense of community that we can all appreciate at PJ.

Volunteer Opportunities at a Glance

PJPAC Executive

If you’d like to make a positive contribution to the PJ community please considering joining the PAC Executive for 2024-2025.

Co-Chairs: These members will share the responsibility of leading General, Special, and Executive meetings; preparing and presenting agendas; understanding the constitution, bylaws, and meeting rules; appointing committees as authorized by the Executive membership; representing the PAC in school and district activities; serving as the official spokespersons of the PAC; and acting as signing officers.
Secretary: This role involves recording and posting the minutes from all PAC meetings; maintaining an accurate and updated copy of the constitution and bylaws; ensuring that any changes are documented and submitted to School District #45 for safekeeping; and keeping all administrative records of the PAC secure.
Popsicle Day Volunteers: We need 2-3 parents to help sell popsicles to PJ kids one Friday a month, starting at 2:30 PM.
Traffic Blitz Coordinator: This member will organize and coordinate volunteers to direct traffic around the school during peak times in September, January, and after spring break.

To learn more about each role and figure out what would make a good fit for your skills and interests please refer to our bylaws. To express your interest or learn more, email info@ecolepjpac.com or chair@ecolepjpac.com.

Fun Lunch Distribution

We are looking for volunteers to help with Fun Lunch food distribution school days from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. Without our amazing parent volunteers we would not be able to run this program. Thank you for signing up to help!
Our Fun Lunch Coordinator can be reached at funlunch@ecolepjpac.com.

Gelato Friday

Gelato Days are a fun, tasty PJPAC fundraiser. We need parents to help sell gelato to students once a month. If you can help, please sign up here.

PJ Community Park

Our school’s park was the vision of school parents and community members who came together to create something truly unique and beautiful. From our Garden Boxes to our Wetlands, First People’s Healing Circle and Outdoor Class spaces, the PJ Park stands as a flagship outdoor educational space on the North Shore.We hold monthly gardening events. Maintaining our park and the school gardening program relies on volunteer-led initiatives. When your children participate in gardening at school they feel they become stewards of these green spaces and they take pride in their park. It is also educational and fun! There are many opportunities to get involved with the PJ  Park and you can start by joining the PJ Park Committee. Contact Laureline Balzan
Learn more about the history of the PJ Community Park Project here.